
Time by Design

Nicole Greene

Straightforward strategies to pursue your purpose, accelerate your growth, show up as your whole self, increase higher order thinking and align your time with your values. What to try. Why it Works. For When it Matters.

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6 Steps to Upgrade your OS through Conscious Calendaring

Hello friend! Have you had a chance to consciously cultivate pride, gratitude or agency since reading last week's newsletter? Let me know how it went for you! This week, I was interviewed on the Life on Your Terms podcast. One of the topics we talked about was the power & symbolic importance of claiming time for yourself, even in the throes of burnout. When YOU are absent from your own calendar, you are complicit in your own self-sacrifice. Once you start giving away time that had once been...

4 days ago • 6 min read

Hello friend! I'm writing this week from a hotel room while accompanying my youngest for his first travel soccer tournament and feeling all the feels: sadness that he’s growing up so fast temporary heartbreak from a tough loss nostalgia for the team travel of my younger days joy at his exuberance taking over a hotel with all his friends pride in how he shows up fully embodied and unapologetically himself the sweetness of snuggles at the end of a day being sidelined in favor of his friends...

11 days ago • 8 min read

Hello! I'm inspired and energized from an incredible week with the Venture Mentoring Team mentoring over 100 founder teams for the eMerge Americas startup accelerator. I listened to brilliant women like Kathryn Finney and Reshma Saujani talk about the importance of showing up big as women and not taking ‘no’ when it comes to pursuing our vision, whether that’s a startup vision (here’s a link to Kathryn’s book “Build the Damn Thing”) or the vision of affordable child care and paid family leave...

18 days ago • 6 min read

Hello! Who's ready for a break from calendaring?! I mean I could go on and on (as you've experienced) but there's more to intentional living than just calendar strategy. Prioritization has been a major focus for me over the past couple of months, as my career ramps back up following 18 months on the side burner. It’s much easier to be at all the kid stuff, get in 50 miles on my bike stay present in my friendships & cook dinner multiple times a week, when work is intentionally on pause! But...

25 days ago • 4 min read

Hello! I’m excited to be back after the week away enjoying a Spring Break staycation with my fam. This weekend I've been reflecting on the absolute doozy of the past week “catching up” from the time off. Does that happen to you too? Share your tips for taking a proper break without a massive lift after that immediately negates the benefits of your time away. I’ll be gathering them for a future issue focused on Calendaring for Time Off as we head into the summer travel season. In the meantime,...

about 1 month ago • 5 min read
the sun is setting over the ocean on a cloudy day

Before we get started this week, two quick announcements: I really want to add value to your inbox and to your life! Please take less than 5 minutes to complete this survey. (If you completed it last week, thank you!) It’s anonymous, it’s really quick and it will be super-valuable to Current Me in creating content that is super-valuable to Future You. 😃 There will not be a new issue hitting your inbox on Sunday, March 31st as I'm prioritizing time with my boys next week over their Spring...

about 2 months ago • 10 min read

Strategic Calendaring is a passion that might be better described as an obsession. Why? Because it's a gateway to Intentional Living. It's something that I’m hyper-focused on for myself and that I love teaching others. I can talk calendar strategy all day long, and often do quite happily. Is my nerd showing? The obsession is not about getting as much done as possible. That’s how I used to be: preoccupied with productivity, grinding, exhausted, unhealthy, unfulfilled. Efficiency was my love...

about 2 months ago • 7 min read

This week, I was struck by the number of people I talk to — women especially — who can readily fill in the statement “not [blank] enough” to describe their core limiting belief, yet struggle to describe what “enough” actually is for them, not just in that area, but across all the important facets of their life. This is a problem. Because if you don’t know what “enough” is, what it feels like, you can never be full. You will always be chasing. If “enough” sounds like settling, it’s not. Far...

2 months ago • 11 min read
calm body of water during golden hour

Intentional Decision-making to Reclaim Cognitive Capacity Intentional living is all about conscious, thoughtful, strategic utilization of our most valuable resources: 🔹 time 🔹 energy 🔹 attention & 🔹 cognitive capacity While cognitive capacity can be expanded over time through intentional cultivation, within a day or a week, it is fixed and finite. How we allocate it matters. Our brains are under constant demand, continuously absorbing inputs and filtering down to the 0.0002% that we’re...

2 months ago • 8 min read
body of water during sunset

When you’re a founder, entrepreneur or rising executive and also have non-negotiable, non-retractable commitments in other areas of life (as parent, as caretaker of a parent — areas where boundaries are cute but largely irrelevant), every single second is a tradeoff. In these high-growth seasons (especially if you’re trying to grow a business and grow a family), there is no discretionary time. There is time for work, time for them and, God-willing, time for you. The cost of wastefulness —...

2 months ago • 7 min read
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